Future Delivery Van
A small van runs around a city dropping off obscure high tech devices. It's dynamic design helps travel efficiency even in the worst traffic, and it's cargo is always secure.

If the Van's a knockin'...
A small van runs around a city dropping off obscure high tech devices. It's dynamic design helps travel efficiency even in the worst traffic, and it's cargo is always secure.
In the future, delivery is done by any number of means: emailing 3-d printer diagrams, drone drop-offs. Some Local places employ unique vehicles that can ship 3-d printer material or advanced electronics by secure currier. This is one of those vans. Fully electric and fueled by renewable resources, this stylish urban transport aerodynamically splits air current even in congested traffic.
The cab in the design of the van is pushed very far forward in order to balance the wine of the engine and cargo closer to the middle of the vehicle. While this looks odd, such a design enhances aerodynamics. The fully transparent front assists visibility even to the rear of the vehicle. Very few accidents occur in with this van. The cab opens vertically allowing the driver to quickly enter and exit.
With a variable trunk lid configuration, multiple amounts and sizes of packages can be shipped throughout an urban landscape rapidly. In this future, many desirable items ship as plans electronically. These plans then get printed via a personal 3-d printer. However, these printers still need their own substrates. These vans also tend to drop off cartridges, food packets and the like.
I’m pretty sure the windscreen belongs to set 6357 Stunt Copter N Truck, but I have at least 2 other’s like it so who knows? All the white pieces are sourced from various sets of course, probably Futuron sets. The unique hinged trunk lid comes from Legoland set 1682 Space Shuttle Launch, as probably many of the white pieces do. This was a fun build, and I love the mini figure scale. I have a penchant for pushing cabins or cockpits either very far forward or very far back. The really fun here was making the trunk work well; not only in function, but also in form. Since this build involved older elements, the rear end’s double hinge mechanism came as a surprise. I may revisit this little van to try to close that gap above the back wheel. over 10 years old, and that still bugs me.
View More: Building, Future, Hinges, Lego, Urban, Van, White