Site Launched
Taking to heart as much as possible the idea of observing and documenting my works and thoughts in my fields, this site is a comprehensive collection of what I do.
Hello World!
From the traditions of running or installing an application or program for the first time, I name my first, and introductory post, “Hello World!” (Also, it’s the default sample post when WordPress is fist installed). I’ve designed it myself, coded the layout, and built my own WordPress template from scratch (as much as possible). On top of that, I am a visual artist specializing in sculpture and drawing. I do not confine myself to any one particular medium or category, however, and the scope of this site reflects that. This site also is a long pursued version 2 as I pulled the original weblog structure years ago and put up a static site as this one was under development.
Speaking of development and content creation, all content is created by me. As I have developed the content (pictures, descriptions, captions, etc.) I have also developed the coding by myself, so please feel free to point out typos, misspellings, or even wrong words. I’ve been performing 2 kinds of spell check: one for code operation and one for written material so Im bond to have missed something. I’ll correct them as I find them as well.
My initials, dp, rendered as a ring falling over a cylinder
Site Contents
Longstanding and selected works exist on the pages of this site as they remain the focus. Works presented exist and are presented in finished states. Some projects are on going, as I turn to them if I feel idle. Other pages like Resume will be updated as needed. Statements and Philosophies current content contains existing guiding principles but are subject to change and edit as the future unfolds. These pages may even be divided up further. Most of the content of these have come from assignments or examples of assignments for my own students, but in either case are reflective of my sentiments.
Pages, and posts, all have small feature images
This weblog section is regulated to an additional caveat for observations, documentation, as well as thoughts, impressions, and reflections on art and design. Essentially, if I can define it for myself as an application of creative problem solving of value, I’ll post a thought. As any of my students (or people who converse with me regularly) already know, I can also talk quite a bit. Some posts might be long, others might just be media posts of sketches and such.
Some general topics to be expected (or recreated from the previous version of this site):
- Unholy Unions: A sardonic term for when I combine seemingly unrelated topics or philosophies in either metaphor or search for better understanding.
- No Good Reason (NGR): Posts or art present under this term should be self explanatory
- Ready-made Art Miniature (RAM): Visuals made from smaller found objects
- Progress/Documentation
- Observations
- @x Chronicle/imaginary Agents: post highlighting a new entry on that site (See @x in the portfolio
- Site updates
- UX/UI/ID Design: anything from posting coding examples 9even code art) to thoughts on the matter
- Artificial Intelligence
- Chronological displacement and dispersal
Maybe I’ll make a weekly routine of it.
There will be other topics as I think of them, but many of the above already have pending posts. As regularly draw or write in a sketchbook, I will try to regularly post things. Sometimes ideas don’t come though, and I approach posting as much as any publishing endeavor: trying to get all grammar and spelling checked as well as decent research on the topics where necessary.
Site Design
As far as labor goes, a few hours here and a few hours there in between other responsibilities and projects (especially other clients, including my family) I was able to complete the site to this point in 7 months. I’m still adding together actual hours of work time, but between teaching 15 credit hours and formatting a few book projects on the side (amongst other priorities and being human), I think that’s pretty fast for one person. Doing everything from design, development/implementation, and content creation. Seriously, I even reshot a lot of art work, especially the sculptures for the new site.
Since I’ve designed the site, I’ve also made it as easy as possible for myself to post regularly, I won’t present much more about the site in this first post. Instead, like any good designer/artist/programmer, I’ve left an Easter egg in the layout that will expound on the nature of the site’s design. I think it’s easy to find, but then I put it there and am used to finding it.
I hope you enjoy my site.